Horror Tales: The Wine Review

*Contains Spoilers* How Far Will You Go For The Cure?

A plague has ravaged an island in the Mediterranean, and the only known cure is a special kind of wine that was stashed away by the island’s elite winemaker. The player takes the role of Marti Vermello, who is so desperate for a cure, he decides to avoid protocol and travel to the capital in search of the elusive wine. The island appears to be deserted, but players quickly discover there’s someone (or something) else roaming about.

The first thing I noticed about The Wine was the beautiful environment. The landscape is gorgeous, the town quiet and void of life, and the underground foreboding. The presence pursuing the player is, in contrast, mysterious and creepy. The figure wears a long dark coat and their fingers are long, pale, and spindly. The player cannot defend themselves so they’re forced to run away during these encounters. This adds a layer of anxiety that I feel is well-paced throughout the game.

The puzzles are fun, but they’re not always straightforward, so players may need to experiment a little by moving objects around in their environment. Many of the puzzles are symbol-based, so it pays to be observant.

One thing I wish the game utilized more is sound. Occasional sections have a bit of background music that is very mild and helps set the tone, but several other sections are largely silent aside from sound effects from interacting with the environment. In some cases, this is fine. It helps emphasize the fact the town is deserted. But other moments could really use something to fill the void of silence. However, it’s a small criticism and I don’t believe it detracts too much from the final product. The soundtrack and sound effects that do exist work well where they are placed. The supernatural whispering noise you hear during your first major encounter with your pursuer is particularly effective in adding to the tension of the chase.

Overall, The Wine is a successful indie horror game that paces the action and isn’t heavy handed with the jump scares. It’s the perfect game for people who enjoy puzzles and exploration, with a few frights thrown in.

[Lady played Horror Tales: The Wine with a mouse and keyboard]

Developer: Carlos Coronado
Publisher: Carlos Coronado 


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